Thursday, April 17, 2008

Welcome Back, Brent!

Great news everyone! Brent Barry is back with the Spurs and actively participating. He's been back for a while but yesterday he finally played and he did well. I'm so glad. The playoffs start on Saturday so be ready to not hear from me for a couple of months. In real life, I mean. Not in the blogging world. Of course I'll have lots to talk about as the playoffs go on. Hopefully, the Spurs will be in it long enough. Go Spurs Go!
A coworker at school wants to place a wager on the Spurs vs Suns first round match up. I don't know what to bet. I'm not a better. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it. The only criteria is that it has to be no more than 20 dollars. I guess we could just bet 20 dollars, but where's the fun in that, right?

1 comment:

Jen said...

I like the idea of him coming in and teaching your class! That seems good but what will you do for him if the Suns win? Hummmm