Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Perfect Season

I was so excited when my alma mater, Austin High School, went undefeated in their 2007 football season. I was even more proud because my niece's boyfriend played on the team. He's a cool guy and I've come to think of him as a little brother. And since I love sports I made every attempt to go to as many games as possible to show support.
Did I mention that because their field was being worked on, they had to play away? That means that they never played one home game and still won. So as a tribute to the team and my niece's boyfriend I want everyone to see them in action. Oh and look for my niece's boyfriend about 1:10 into the clip. He's number 13.
Go Panthers!!!


Jen said...

That is a very cool tribute! Go Panthers!! You are such a cool Aunt!

John said...

Sorry for going off topic but just wanna let you know that it seems your MANu is putting plenty of smile on your face......
