Saturday, December 13, 2008

Holiday Party

Our school is having their holiday party this evening. I look forward to these parties because you get to see how people are outside of the work place. Some people are funner and some not so fun. There are a couple of people that I have become better friends with because of our interaction at the holiday party. There are a few things I hope will happen at the holiday party:
  • Karaoke
  • Yummy food
  • Fun conversations
  • At least one drunk co-worker
We'll see if how it goes. I've been to every holiday party since I started teaching. I like the parties at my new school because they are always at someone's house. I love to see how they decorate and it really does give the party a homey and warm feeling.


Amy said...

Sounds like a fun time.

I hope you are not the one who ended up drunk at the party.. Ha!!! Ha!!

Just Joking...

Patty said...

No, no. It wasn't me. They only had wine to drink and I can't drink that. It was fun though even though no one was trashed.

Heidi said...

That is one thing I miss working for myself! Hope you had a great time!